Latest News And Arty Ramblings…
The Beauty Of A Spring Tide…
I can finally reveal my latest piece of textile art…. ‘Spring Tide’
What a fabulous weekend at the studio! Lots of lovely visitors, a buzzing atmosphere and a great start to our fundraising for Ukraine.
Counting Down!!
Only days to go until open studio weekend! This means only one thing - overtime!!
Hot Off The Press!
Well hot off the framing table!! A tree I have been working on for some time now - finally finished!
A Special Visit!!
I was delighted to receive a visit from a wonderful group of GCSE art textile students from Cornwall today….
A Mini Beach Break….
I couldn’t resist creating this sweet little seascape. Impulsive creation!
Autumn Has Arrived…
Autumn has arrived in the studio!!! A new season is always a good excuse to have a reshuffle in the gallery as well as showcase some new work, of course!
New Mini Series Complete!
Presenting my new series of mini originals featuring my favourite seaside characters…