The Stories Behind The Art…

I've been sorting out my art prints recently, ahead of moving into my new studio in a few weeks time. (so excited!!) I found this exercise quite interesting as it made me realise that my print collection really is a record of my journey as an artist. Each piece representing a different stage in my journey, the experimental phases, the leaps of faith, the memories of creating them.  They show me how I've evolved as an artist. 

This one is a perfect example - 'Paradise'. I created this one for an exhibition at Alexandra Palace in 2016. It was part of a vibrant collection I created for the show and a daring new colour palette for me at the time.  I loved working with these joyous colours and recall my studio being filled with tropical vibrancy! 


I recall the joy of seeing this piece catch a visitor's eye and how she felt compelled to buy it, explaining with excitement, exactly where she was going to hang it in her home.  

Each piece of art tells a story of a place or a theme, be it real or imaginary. However, each piece of art also tells another story - its creation, the stage of the artist's journey, it's final destination. Often a piece starts off in a completely different direction, sometimes they're paused, even abandoned to be later picked up and completed with renewed inspiration.  And the one thing every artist will tell you - every piece of art teaches you something. 

Here's another trip down memory lane...

London - Jackie Gale Textile Art

'London' was one of my very early pieces created during a pivotal point in my career. This cityscape was my first real venture into textile illustration, blended with naive art. I was soon hooked into illustrating this way and was of course,  utterly delighted  when the South West Art Academy invited me to exhibit this at one of their prestigious annual exhibitions. 

I managed to find a photo of me exhibiting with SWAC in Exeter in 2013. 


So all in all, what would normally be a tedious job turned into a special afternoon of reflection. I've started posting a past work each week on social media for 'Throwback Thursday' and I've decided to start posting the stories behind the pics too.  It's way too easy to overlook the stories, I've decided. To me, they are as important as the end result. 

Both of the prints featured in this blog are still available to buy on my website



Floral Exhibition At RHS Rosemoor


Love Is In The Air...