Summer vibes have arrived rather early in the studio this year. Well, I hadn’t intended to skip from winter to summer but these things sometimes happen in the name of creativity! Also, the weather has been utterly ghastly over the last several days, so I am convinced it was a subconscious yearning for warmer climates that inspired this creative endeavor.
It was supposed to be a beautifully arranged spring themed window display! However, it was the striking orchid that elevated the setting to warmer climates and I just followed. The usual sketch deviation….
‘Summer Window’
This calming piece of paradise is my latest piece. Maybe this is exactly what is needed at the end of a long wet and windy winter? As much as there is so much I love about the frosty season, this one certainly stirs up holiday nostalgia, warm beach days and sunshine.
Interestingly, most people who appreciate and enjoy my art are firmly in the camp of seascape or floral enthusiasts. This will make things quite interesting!
Here it is on my studio wall - in the sunniest position too :))
As always, my framer suggested the perfect driftwood style frame for it too. For more information on this original, here’s the link - Summer Window
Here it is on my studio wall - in the sunniest position too :))
As always, my framer suggested the perfect driftwood style frame for it too. For more information on this original, heres the link - Summer Window.
Summer Window is also available as a limited edition print. In fact, it has emerged as an exceptional print.
Some pieces just work so well in print and this is one of them. More details here.
As I am still in window zone I feel it’s time to now tackle my original creative mission of a spring window and I will stay strong and keep to daffodils - or pehaps narcissi! - or perhaps both !!!! Fickle!