2025 Work In Progress…
I wont deny it took me a little while to get going!!! After a little break following the Christmas “busyness” I have started to work on an exciting new project.
As promised, I’m working on larger scale work for a little while (don’t worry - miniatures will still appear!) and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. During my time off I spent some time studying botanicals, creating floral mood boards and researching the iconic floral work of Georgia O’Keefe.
I’ve never really produced florals on a large scale, showcasing their finer beautiful features and intricate detail. I’ve never really felt it would work - how wrong I was. As the old saying goes, you never know until you try :)
This is the exquisite of a Camellia Japonica - my very first piece in this captivating series. The process of creating the intricate pollen and those glorious, rich textures was truly a joy.
An earlier image of this piece in progress. Despite it’s size, this piece is one of the smaller ones in the collection!
Floral work is simply such a wonderful joy that brings me immense satisfaction. Celebrating these glorious gifts of nature is something I never tire of, as each bloom tells its own story. Nature is beginning to pop back to life now, with buds slowly and gracefully beginning to peek through the soil, bringing with them the delightful promise of spring and all its vibrant colours.
I’m so looking forward to recreating my favourite florals with a fresh new approach.
The studio is in full work mode so if you do plan to visit, you have been warned!! This work can get rather messy! On the plus side, you’ll get a good peek at what I’m working on and see the creative process in action!
If you have any favourites you’d like to see in this collection, please do drop me a line! I always love hearing from you and love to consider new ideas.