New Drinks Piece Underway…

Oh it has been a while hasn’t it!? So excited to be creating another addition to the Drinks Cabinet collection!

I am keeping the theme of this one under wraps until it’s reveal on Friday - hence there isn’t a lot to see in the picture except empty shelves! They take longer than you think, I assure you! All I will say is this has assorted drinks rather than one particular type! As well as the textile illustration and huge amount of detail in these pieces, these are mostly about fun!! Fun to create and hopefully it will raise a few smiles too :)

I know, not much to see here but I promise there will be very soon. This vintage bottle green leather took an age to find but my mind was made up! Once I decide on what I want, I won’t rest until I find it!!

If you’re unfamiliar with my drinks cabinet pieces, here are a couple from the collection - ‘The Gin Game’ and ‘Rum Shack’

I take well known brands of booze and give them a quirky new name and appearance or I simply create my own brands! It’s all good fun and they seem to have collected a following of fans, I’m pleased to say.

To see the entire collection of drinks pieces to date, please click here. They are all available as limited edition prints.

I’m hoping you’ll see the new piece on here this coming Friday. Now, back to work for me :))


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